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Seminar on integrated management systems

Seminar on integrated management systems

The operations of a modern enterprise are regulated, among other things, by international standards. The enterprise should be aware that a dynamic business represents the "driving force" of sustainable development of the society, as well as shapes the managerial, financial and technical resources required to solve environmental problems.

One of the means to put into practice the concept of sustainable development is the establishment of IMS at an enterprise, which allows to assess, in a fair manner, the specifics of its functioning within the system of " economics - society - environment".

The degree of IMS efficiency can be analysed through the following indicators: solution of quality management tasks (ISO 9001), management of environmental impact of production (ISO 14001), cestablishment of productive and safe labour conditions (ISO 45001).

Having developed and implemented an IMS, a company gains the whole range of considerable benefits, including:

Strategic ones:

the company's market value (capitalisation) increases;
the business obtains a chance to be scaled up;
employees' knowledge transform into the company's intellectual capital;
actions within the organisation become coherent; thus, the summary of the interplay of processes exceeds a mere combination of individual results;
functional fragmentation arising during the development and implementation of discreet management systems comes to its minimum;
government contracts can easier be gained. 

Organisational ones:

systemic management;
harmonised interaction of processes and functions;
a reduced document flow per management system, compared to the total volume of documents in several parallel systems;
top management's free time for strategic activities;
permits, licences and other authorisation documents are much simplier to be obtaned.

Economic ones:

risks and amounts of penalties and related losses decrease;
any abnormal situations become less in number;
labour productivity rises;
resources are used in a more efficient manner;
investments and favourable loans can be received in due time;
profound priority over the business rivals with all other things being equal;
costs to develop, certify and maintain a management system are reduced.

Reputational ones:

the company's prestige and competitiveness in both the domestic and international markets grow;
the public has a positive opinion regarding the company's reliability, stability and advancement;
an improved reputation in the eyes of all stakeholders;
an improved psychological climate within the company;
improved relations with suppliers;
increased investment attractiveness.