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Successful completion of the seminar on training quality managers in medical laboratories in accordance with the standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan ST RK ISO 15189 in Astana

Successful completion of the seminar on training quality managers in medical laboratories in accordance with the standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan  ST RK ISO 15189 in Astana


The seminar on training quality managers in accordance with the requirements of the standard ST RK ISO 15189 “Medical Laboratories. Requirements for quality and competence", which took place from February 26 to 28, 2024 in Astana. This significant event brought together specialists and experts in the field of medical laboratory activities to exchange knowledge and experience, as well as to increase the level of competence in the field of quality management.

ST RK ISO 15189 is the key regulatory document that defines the quality and competency requirements for medical laboratories. Its implementation plays an important role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of test results, which is the basis for successful medical diagnosis and treatment.

At the seminar, participants gained extensive knowledge of the structure and content of the ST RK ISO 15189 standard, as well as its application in practice. Key aspects of quality management in medical laboratories were reviewed, including the processes of implementing and maintaining a quality management system, ensuring the competence of personnel, and quality control of analytical processes and equipment.

Experts and practitioners shared their experiences and best practices in the field of quality management, which allowed participants to gain valuable insights and recommendations for optimizing their activities.

The organizers of the seminar expressed the hope that the knowledge and skills gained will help participants successfully implement and maintain quality management systems in their medical laboratories, which will ultimately lead to improved quality of medical care and increased levels of trust from patients and partners. The seminar was an important step in the development of medical laboratory activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan and contributed to strengthening the position of domestic laboratories on the world stage.